Saturday, August 2, 2008

What happened to efficiency weekend?!

Turns out, I had to work. (no time to do-my-own-tuneup on my car)

Then I remembered I can't buy anything brand new. (can't buy a spiffy new clothesline)

So I rummaged through the shed and found just enough rope to string between the shed and a tree. This is going to be one heck of a clothesline! 71 feet! I'll end up putting it up just when it's in use, then take it down because it's pretty much in the way! But hey, we don't use the yard a whole lot except to mow anyway, so it's all good!

Then the ticking clock reminded me that my hubby and I are doing the motorcycle safety course this coming week, so I really needed to get my embroidery floss out of the way so I could finish our coats...

And what could a long straight piece of wood have to do with embroidery floss storage?

Well, to be ends up, four long straight pieces of wood helped me keep all the floss in order and stored on top of my shelving unit out of the way:
I did come up with an effective way to get mystery stickiness off one of my "new" thrifted pitchers: spray/drip all over with goo gone, all the while stray sprays and drips fall on the rag or towel under the object in question.
Wrap in said rag or towel.
Tie securely in plastic bag.
I forgot to take an after picture, but I set it asside for a few hours last night before I remembered to get back to it. It didn't just wipe off, I still had to rub a little but I wasn't scrubbing!
Sunday I'm back to work for a couple hours after church, then I'll finally get to pick up groceries and start my price book!

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