Tuesday, July 22, 2008

This and That

I saw the post category "this and that" today and had to laugh...I think most of my posts could fit under "This and That!"

I got some sewing done tonight. No wardrobe refashioning, but finished up a project, started and finished two others, and fiddled with a third. All in all, I'm quite pleased with myself.

I made a simple dresser scarf of sorts for the bureau in my work space using up some stash! Hubby should be so proud of me!

My shash of partially or mostly used materials is bursting from it's container! I put sandwich-size and gallon sized ziplock bags in the top compartment so I don't have to run upstairs every time I want to stash some cuttings.

I finally decided on two materials. Mostly based on the size of the remnants!

Is it just me or is there something deeply satisfying about holding pins in your mouth? I don't know, makes me feel all domesticated.

I decided awhile back to make my own "Made By" tags. I picked up some Offray antique white grosgrain in 7/8" and planned on doing a free-form cross stitch kind of thing. I finally sat down and doodled some ideas,

then tried a few out. I learned that I'll definitely need to do the initials first, then the outline. I purposely picked very pale colors. When I'm "signing" actual cross stitches, I typically will use a thread just a slight shade off from the color of the base cloth.

This whole file is cross stitch patterns and I have another one filled with back issues of cross stitch magazines that I finally cancelled awhile ago.

And my lovely *cough* stove and yard saled cookie jar/kitchen rag holder.

I also got the rest of my hankies made and another notions bag which is larger and made from tulle...we'll see how it holds up over time! I used a tripple stitch and crossed my fingers...

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