Sunday, July 13, 2008

Lets try this again...

On Saturday I was very busy! I hit 5 yard sales before 9, helped my cousin prep for her two kids' birthday party, saw my Mom and she sewed my shirt alteration using a charger (at the last minute I chickened out!), ran home, ran back to my cousins for the b-day party at 4, then scooted out early to go sleep in a cardboard box for the night.

No, I'm not dilusional, I didn't mis-type again, you read it right. I slept in a cardboard box. I guess since I'm on the subject, I'll start there instead of going in chronological order!

My church is sending a team of members to Rawanda, Africa next month and we're raising money to help offset their transportation costs. This event ended up raising awareness regarding homelessness as well. In another post, I'll publish excerpts from my journal entries throughout the night. For today, I'll simply post the pictures. (never did get that nap!)

My plain old box. (and dinner, including the beverage du jour...plain brown rice and tap water!)

Just a little extra reinforcement.

What I brought: exercise mat, journal, pen, pencil, sunglasses, small Bible, queen size sheet, sweatshirt, 1 extra shirt, 1 pair socks, tooth brush, toothpaste, deoderant and meds.

Rice for dinner, rice for breakfast...

And you can't go without a cup of nice, fresh tap water in the morning!

I voluntered to make "mealy-meal," or corn mush. I won't bother providing the recipe for this dish. It's basically gritz made with yellow cornmeal instead of white. Grits may be tasty, but not without a little extra help!

They had a station set up to demonstrate how most of the poor in 3rd world countries have to walk at least a mile just to get water. Every Day. People hefted the 5 gallon jugs and some never took a step! One of our members made it almost a half mile! We have it so good.

We have an incredible young artist who painted this Saturday afternoon after the cardboard "ship" had been constructed.

Going for the authentic look!

Cardboard Recliner

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